Development and Social Issues in Africa

Friday, November 27, 2015


Brenda Zulu 

The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction welcomes the measures by his Excellency President Edgar C. Lungu to cut on non-core government expenditure during his press briefing held at state house on Thursday 26th November 2015. 

In a Press Release, Nshindano Patrick Kryticous Executive Director, CSPR said the current economic situation is of great concern to every Zambian as the downturn affects every household but especially those already vulnerable. The recent presented 2016 budget, being the primary statement for economic and social development, has clearly demonstrated the dire situation in which the country now finds itself. 

It is the considered view of CSPR that with prudent macroeconomic management, a reining in of consumptive expenditure and strong political will, a considerable turnaround is possible in the short to medium term with profound gains for the long term.

We therefore call on government and implementing agencies to ensure that the presidential speech is actualised and they walk the talk and does not become another political show.

We further call on the government to Contain foreign borrowing (including the Chinese loans) to reduce on the cost of repayments while also reducing domestic borrowing to free some funds for private sector lending and induce the lowering of interest rates. This fiscal measure will complement the effectiveness of monetary policy to cushion the erosion of the Kwacha’s value.

CSPR is a civil society anti-poverty advocacy network working for pro-poor development in Zambia whose vision is; "A Zambia where its entire people enjoy all basic needs”

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Opportunity of Paris: Accelerating Transformation for Climate Action

By Brenda Zulu

Governments are meeting in Paris to reach a new climate change agreement that aims to keep global average temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) – the level beyond which there will be irreversible impacts.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has made clear that the longer we delay in tackling climate change, the higher the risks and costs. The next couple of decades are critical.

Halting the growth in global emissions and putting them on a downward path so as to prevent climate disruption is possible, but necessitates a transformation of the global economy that not only addresses climate change, but also powers new growth.

We are at a defining moment for the future of our planet and its peoples,” said Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility.  “Urgent action is needed to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions, invest in adaptation and build resilience to the growing impacts of our rapidly warming world.”

Shifting to a low-carbon and resilient trajectory will require coordinated, integrated solutions to catalyze transformation of three key economic systems: energy—how we power our homes, offices and industry, and move goods and people from one place to another; cities—how we live; and food production—how and where we produce food, and what we eat,” Ishii continued.

The twenty-first meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place from 30 November to 11 December 2015.    It is expected to be a turning point, which sends a loud and clear signal to citizens, markets and the private sector that the transformation of the global economy is inevitable, beneficial, and already underway.

Based on our quarter century of experience and a wide network of partners, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is well-placed to support this transformation,” said Ishii.

The GEF’s commitment to address climate change issues is unequivocal.   In 2013-14, it committed a total US$1.4 billion for adaptation and mitigation action.  By the end of the current funding cycle in June 2018, it’s estimated that the GEF will be making about US$3 billion available to developing countries to help address climate change, with the potential of $US25 billion to be leveraged from other sources.

As a financial mechanism of the UNFCCC, the GEF is supporting developing countries’ shift towards a low-emission development path.  Besides its ongoing support to countries in their UNFCCC obligations (such as national communications and biennial update reports), the GEF has also provided financial support to 46 countries as they prepared their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, and stands ready to help make these “investment plans” operational.

In Paris, the GEF will also be actively supporting the 12 action tracks of the so-called Lima Paris Action Agenda to showcase coalitions, partnerships and integrated approaches for action on the ground in areas such as buildings, forests, transport and private finance.

Rooted in our role as a financing mechanism of the UNFCCC and other key international agreements, the GEF’s resources help catalyze action and direct larger-scale financing flows toward low-carbon and resilient investments,” said Ishii.  “We support partnerships at local, national and regional levels around integrated solutions in areas like energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable cities, land degradation, deforestation, food security and resilience.”

Governments, the private sector and civil society are taking action on climate change because it is in their interest to do so.  Ahead of Paris, almost all countries, as well as states, cities, business and investors, have come forward with the most comprehensive set of pledges and plans ever seen to reduce emissions and bolster resilience. 

Paris is a huge opportunity to demonstrate political ambition and action on climate change.  But, what happens after is as, if not more, important.

The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals recognize that the health of the global commons is essential for a thriving world,” said Ishii. “A strong climate agreement backed by action on the ground will help us achieve the SDGs. But with the underlying drivers of degradation still at play, our efforts must only intensify.”


Key Questions & Answers on Climate Change Based on Science

Author: Liliana Hisas, Executive Director, Universal Ecological Fund (U.S.) 

Reviewed by Niklas Höhne, PhD, New Climate Institute (Germany)

Up this point, why has so little been accomplished on climate change?

The simple answer is that climate science is complex and has been poorly explained to policy and decision makers and the public. Thus, there has been a major communication gap between the urgency of climate change and the perception of the problem.

The problem is two-sided:
There has been political resistance to change, mainly because with the new Paris Agreement on climate change all countries will have to take action to combat and adapt to climate change. For the last two decades, only a few developed countries have been required to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions that cause climate change. 

The urgency of the problem has been massively misunderstood. Reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the premier scientific body, are highly scientific, written in technical language and extremely difficult to comprehend. Policymakers don't read these reports in their entirety, but rather the Synthesis Report, which summarizes the main conclusions of three voluminous reports. Because the Synthesis Report is a summary, it only partially includes the comprehensive assessment of climate science. Thus, some have not fully understood what the options presented imply.  

From following the negotiations on the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, we have uncovered that many of the negotiators are confused or uninformed on the science and the current situation. The result: the policies and changes that must be made will fall far short and climate change will accelerate.  

Can you simply explain the climate change problem? 

The climate is changing because the Earth's global temperature is increasing. Global temperature is increasing mainly because of the way energy (electricity, natural gas and fuel) is produced and used. About 85 percent of the total energy in the world is obtained by burning fossil fuels -coal, gas and oil, accounting for 29, 21 and 31 percent respectively.  

The burning of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide (CO2), which accounts for 65 percent of total annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Other activities, such as deforestation, forest fires and land use changes generate 11 percent of CO2 emissions. As a result, CO2 totals 76 percent of all GHG emissions. 

The problem: about half of the CO2 generated every day ends up in the atmosphere where it remains for more than 1,000 years. It is these CO2 emissions that concentrate in the atmosphere, along with those from methane, nitrous oxide and other GHGs, which are causing global temperature to increase, which is driving the climate to change. 

The other half of CO2 emitted is absorbed by trees, plants and the oceans. 

Is climate change accelerating?

Yes and much faster than anticipated.  

Climate change is the changes in temperature, rain and wind (or the elements of weather) over a long period of time. In 2015, some changes have already been experienced as weather events, such as 50 percent of the average rainfall for an entire month recorded in a couple of hours in Calgary, Canada; a doubling of the average rainfall for an entire month in Calcutta, India; 22 flooding incidents in just 90 minutes in London, United Kingdom; a 15 percent decrease of the monthly average rain in Nagpur, India; unprecedented droughts in Brazil, South Africa, Portugal and Spain; a doubling of the number of wildfires in British Columbia, Canada and California and Alaska in the United States. 

Some impacts of climate change are positive, while others are negative. 

For example, about 70 percent of food production in the world depends on rain. Thus, changes in rain patterns will impact food production. Some of the impacts of climate change, such more frequent and intense droughts, will hinder the production of main food staples and drive food prices to increase. As a result, food security will be at risk. 

The negative impacts of climate change will further threaten livelihoods and lives of millions. 

Is a 2ºC increase in global temperature dangerous?

A 2ºC increase in global temperature was considered as the 'upper limit beyond which the risks of grave damage to ecosystems are expected to increase rapidly.' This means that the impacts of climate change will be more abrupt as global temperature increases. 

By 2012, global temperature has increased by 0.85ºC from pre-industrial times, causing numerous impacts around the world. Some examples of the already observed impacts of a 0.85ºC temperature increase:
Extreme precipitation has increased in frequency and intensity.
A robust drying trend has been observed for already drought-prone regions.

Extreme heat events are occurring more frequently.

Since the Climate Change Convention was adopted in 1992, climate-related events have doubled in number. 

An increase in global temperature of 2ºC implies an additional doubling the number of these impacts of climate change. 

Some of the negative impacts of climate change are now unavoidable. 

When will global temperature reach 2ºC? 

There is a 95 percent probability of reaching 2ºC above pre-industrial times by the 2040s, under all four possible representations of the future (or scenarios) analyzed by the IPCC. This is due to the rapid increase in GHG concentrations in the atmosphere. For example, GHG concentrations increased from 375 parts per million (ppm) CO2-eq (CO2-eq or unit to measure all GHGs combined) in 2005 to 430 ppm CO2-eq in 2011, a 12 percent increase in only six years. 

In the future, according to Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided, a report prepared for The World Bank by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics, if emission reduction pledges are not met and current trends continue, 'there is an increasing probability of reaching 4°C global mean warming by the last quarter of this century' (or in the next 60 years). 

Isn't climate change going to happen only by the end of the century?

No. It is happening now. 

The end of the century is the timeframe used by scientists to analyze changes in the climate, because changes in climate are assessed over a long period of time (usually, 30 years). This does not mean that the global temperature will increase by the end of the century; however, it is what some policy makers and the general public misunderstood. 

Climate scientists used a target of GHG concentrations of 450 ppm CO2-eq by the end of the century to assess emission reductions required to hold global temperature below 2ºC. They also analyzed what would happen if no explicit actions are taken to reduce GHG emissions -which seems to be the trend until the Paris Agreement is adopted. They concluded that the target of 450 ppm CO2-eq could be exceeded between 2020 and 2030. However, it is impossible to project precisely when such a level will be exceeded because it depends on policies and actions taken by countries, not on science.

Is GHG concentration a better target for the climate change negotiations in Paris?

The 2°C has been adopted as the policy target by all countries.  

Climate scientists also use other targets to assess the options required to tackle climate change, such as the level of GHG concentrations.

The 'stabilization of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system' is also the ultimate objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

What is the current level of global GHG emissions and what should it be?

In 2010, global GHG emissions reached 49 Gt CO2-eq; and increased by 10 percent to 54 Gt CO2-eq in 2014. 

The emission level consistent with holding temperature below 2°C should be 42 Gt CO2-eq by 2030 (or a 15 percent reduction from 2010 levels), and 22 Gt CO2-eq by 2050 (or a further 48 percent reduction from 2030 levels). 

These figures are consistent with a 55 percent emission reduction (or the average between 40 and 70 percent) by 2050 from 2010 levels concluded by the IPCC. 

What are Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)? 

As part of the negotiations towards the Paris Agreement, all countries were invited to submit Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). 

The INDCs include an overall GHG emission reduction target and describe how each country intends to contribute to tackling climate change through plans and strategies to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to the changing climate. 

These pledges may also include the financial support needed by some countries to implement actions outlined. These INDCs, thus, are considered 'conditional', as opposed to others made on an 'unconditional' basis. 

The timeframe for the implementation of the INDCs is 2020-2030. 

Are the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) adequate?

No. Climate scientists at the UN Environment Programme and the Climate Action Tracker have done preliminary analysis of the INDCs submitted up to October 2015, from 146 countries representing 85-88 percent of global GHG emissions in 2012. Their conclusions are in line with the Climate Change Convention Secretariat analysis of the INDCs. 

If the submitted INDCs are fully implemented by countries between 2020 and 2030, global GHG emissions could increase by about 17 percent from 2010 levels in 2030 (reaching 56 Gt CO2-eq) instead of being reduced by 15 percent (to reach 42 Gt CO2-eq). The increase in GHG emission levels by 2030 is not consistent with holding global temperature below 2ºC.

In addition to inadequate emission reduction targets, there are also inadequate policies to implement those targets. 

Climate scientists concluded that there is a significant gap between current policies and the pledges submitted by countries in the INDCs. Thus, global emissions under currently implemented policies are projected to be higher than the already inadequate INDC levels. 

Are developed countries the greatest GHG emitters?

Not anymore. Middle income counties have taken the lead in the share of global GHG emissions, contributing 56 percent of global GHG emissions in 2014. Since these countries are considered developing countries by the 1992 Climate Change Convention, they have not been required to limit their GHG emissions. In 1990, middle income countries contributed only 40 percent of global GHG emissions. 

For example, China, currently the world's largest emitter of GHGs, is considered a developing country for the 1992 Climate Change Convention but as an upper middle income country for other international organizations. 

High income countries emitted 48 percent of global GHG emissions in 1990, but contributed 36 percent in 2014. 

Low income countries also decreased their share of emissions, from nine percent in 1990 to six percent in 2014. 

The Paris Agreement is expected to set a target for global GHG emissions reductions by all countries -not only developed countries -since all counties contribute to GHG global emissions. 

Are these middle income countries that are huge emitters working on the problem?

Yes, but not enough. Some middle income countries are using their status as developing countries in the Climate Change Convention as an excuse to delay action and continue emitting. One of the reasons argued is that they also have the right to develop and that they should be able to do so in the same way developed countries did -by burning fossil fuels. 

Some middle income countries are making pledges to reduce emissions, assuming that climate finance is available. 

Most countries have adopted a wait-and-see strategy. While pledges have been announced (known as the Cancun pledges), countries are holding back implementation based on other countries doing the same. That is exactly what triggered the necessity for the Paris Agreement where all countries are expected to participate in emission reductions. 

However, the differentiation of countries is still blocking the Paris Agreement negotiations since middle income countries are still advocating to retain their status as developing countries, based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.

As a result of these deadlocked discussions and conditions, in the five years since 2010, GHG emissions increased 10 percent. 

Is the deliberate removal of CO2 from the atmosphere at large scale realistic? 

Some options analyzed by climate scientists use intentional measures and technologies for the deliberate removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. These 'negative emissions' technologies rely on carbon capture and storage (CCS): large-scale industrial plants that capture and store CO2 by injecting it in geological reservoirs more than 800 meters below the surface. These CCS plants are currently extremely expensive and pose significant risks, such as leakage of CO2 to water, soil or back into the atmosphere. 

Two options were analyzed by the IPCC. One is bioenergy with CCS: instead of burning fossil fuels, energy is produced by burning biomass -fuelwood, and agricultural residues, such as sugar cane, rice husks, and corn, among others. Through CCS, the resulting CO2 emissions from biomass burning are captured before reaching the atmosphere. The additional risks of this option include competition for food, land and water to grow the necessary biomass to produce bioenergy sustainably, which can negatively impact livelihoods. The other option is CCS to capture CO2 from carbon-fueled power plants, refineries, cement plants and steel mills.

How many carbon capture and storage plants will be needed to hold temperature increase below 2ºC? 

The International Energy Agency concluded that, to hold temperature increase below 2ºC, an average of more than 1,000 CCS plants would need to be built and in full operation between 2015 and 2050 to capture 3.5 Gt CO2 a year (or a cumulative 120 Gt CO2). This annual average of 3.5 Gt CO2 is comparable to one third of the current global removal of CO2 by the ocean (absorbing about 9 Gt CO2) or a similar share by terrestrial carbon sinks (trees and plants, currently removing about 10 Gt CO2). 

However, these negative emission technologies are unproven and have not been tested at large-scale. Also, there are no large-scale bioenergy with CCS plants in the world. The 16 CCS plants in operation or under construction will capture less than 0.1 percent of total CO2 emissions a year by 2015.

Additionally, due to past emissions climate warming will continue for at least decades after CO2 removal methods and technologies are applied. 

Why did scientists consider carbon capture and storage technologies? 

Because IPCC scientists had to provide policymakers with the option that would meet the 2ºC policy target. The use of negative emission technologies was needed to compensate for delayed action to reduce emissions by countries. 

Among the hundreds of very sophisticated computer models analyzed by IPCC scientists for their assessments, many models were able to hold temperature increase below 2°C only by relying on massive negative emission technologies. 

Further delaying action to reduce emissions means higher costs and risks, such as much higher rates of global emission reductions and greater dependence on using all available mitigation technologies in the medium-term; greater reliance on negative emissions; and greater risks of economic disruption; and higher adaptation challenges and costs.

I heard that the cost of fighting climate change will be $100 billion a year by 2020. Where will the money come from? 

Developed countries committed to mobilizing jointly $100 billion a year by 2020 from public and private donors. 

The $100 billion will originate from various sources, including donor countries, the private sector, multilateral development banks (such as The World Bank, the European Investment Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, etc., which also include contributions from middle income countries) and bilateral climate-related official development assistance. 

The Green Climate Fund is one of the mechanisms for climate finance. Since its establishment in 2011, it has raised $10.2 billion. 

Will the private sector have a role in climate finance?

Yes. The private sector will play a critical role in climate finance. Investments from the private sector are estimated to double the contributions from donor countries and multilateral development banks, which could result in up to $155 billion in climate finance by 2020.

The private sector, however, is waiting for clear policy and decisions from the Paris Agreement to plan and guide their actions and investments. 

Are there other sources of climate finance?

Yes. Subsidies to fossil fuels totaled $550 billion in 2013. This amount is more than four-times the value of subsidies to renewable energy and more than four times the amount invested globally in improving energy efficiency. 

The $550 billion in fossil fuel subsidies are currently available in national budgets, mostly in middle income countries. 

Shifting these subsidies away from fossil fuels could liberate national financial resources for climate finance, which in turn will attract additional public and private funds and investments. 

Will a transition to 100 percent clean energy solve climate change? 

Addressing climate change will only be possible if energy is used much more efficiently than today and in a different way. For example:
100 percent electricity generation from renewables,
Shifting to electrification in transport and industry.
Using biofuels only where really necessary.
Energy efficiency to the most extent possible. 

Clean or renewable energy only refers to electricity generation, which will address about 20 percent of the global problem -or about 70 percent of GHG emissions from the energy sector (from extraction and conversion to distribution). 

Currently, the global share of non-fossil fuel electricity generation is 30 percent -16 percent from hydropower, 5 percent from renewables and 11 percent from nuclear power. The IPCC concluded that it should be 90 percent by 2050.

A transition to 100 percent renewable electricity generation will not address how electricity is used, how cars are fueled, how new buildings are built, or even how food is produced. The IPCC made a comprehensive analysis by sector to identify measures and policies to be implemented in the next 2-3 decades towards a complete transformation of the world as we know it today. These were the sectors analyzed: industry, transport, buildings and urban planning, and agriculture, forestry and land use. 

Although a tripling of the share of renewables for electricity generation can be achieved, a significant share of fossil fuels will still be required to meet the expected doubling in energy demand due to population growth by 2050. 

Why is it necessary to implement measures in all sectors? 

Policies and measures will have to be implemented in all sectors by 2050 because world population is estimated to increase by 40 percent -from 7 billion in 2010 to almost 10 billion by 2050. 

Population growth will, in turn, double the demand for energy in 2050 and also increase the demand for food, clean water, and other basic human needs.

Further delaying stringent measures to combat and adapt to climate change will only mean higher costs -in more expensive measures to reduce emissions and implement adaptation measures; and most importantly, in higher risks to livelihoods and ultimately, lives due to the increased impacts of the changing climate. 


* * *

Niklas Höhne, PhD is a founding partner of the New Climate Institute, based in Cologne Germany. Since 1995, Dr. Höhne led numerous studies related to the international climate change negotiations and national climate policies. Dr. Höhne is lead author for the IPCC Fourth and Fifth Assessment Report for the chapter on climate policies and international cooperation. He is also lead author of the UNEP Emissions Gap reports 2010 to 2015. In 2009, he created the Climate Action Tracker -a coalition of four research organizations tracking commitments and actions of countries on climate change. He holds a PhD from the University of Utrecht; and is a Special Professor on mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. 

Liliana Hisas is the executive director of the Universal Ecological Fund, US office of Fundacion Ecologica Universal, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a non-profit organization seeking to increase awareness that encourages actions through researching, analyzing, producing and disseminating information. She led various civil society advocacy and capacity development campaigns on global environmental policies and climate change since 1992. She authored various publications on sustainable development and climate change. She holds a Master of Arts degree in journalism from the Universidad del Salvador in Argentina.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Spotlighting prevention, “Orange the World” kicks off global efforts to end violence against women and girls

By Brenda Zulu


Over 450 ‘orange events’ planned in more than 70 countries including lighting of the Niagara Falls, Council of Europe building, India Gate, and the ruins of Petra in Jordan

New York — From parades to soccer matches, school debates, and the lighting up of hundreds of iconic monuments, starting tomorrow a United Nations call to “Orange the World” will galvanize global action calling for an end to violence against women and girls, which affects one in three worldwide.

Unifying the large-scale social mobilization and global events will be the use of the colour orange, which has come to symbolize a bright and optimistic future free from violence against women and girls. The call to action is part of the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign, led by UN Women. It will be carried out during the civil society-driven16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which run from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Womenuntil 10 December, Human Rights Day. This year’s ‘Orange the World” initiative will focus on the theme of preventing violence against women and girls, in the specific context of the adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, which includes targets on ending violence against women and girls.

Coinciding with the 16 days of Activism, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka will undertake visits to three continents highlighting the urgent need for efforts to address the pandemic of violence at all levels—from global to the local—as well as across all sections of society, during high-profile events in Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Spain and Turkey.  

The official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November in New York will also see the launch of a landmark “UN Framework to Underpin Action to Prevent Violence against Women,” jointly developed by a number of UN entities including UN Women, ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA and WHO.

“Violence against women and girls remains one of the most serious – and the most tolerated - human rights violations. It is both a cause and a consequence of gender inequality and discrimination. Its continued presence is one of the clearest markers of societies out of balance and we are determined to change that”, said UN Under- Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. “The focus must now be on prevention, and although there is no single solution to such a complex problem, there is growing evidence of the range of actions that can stop violence before it happens. This comprehensive approach forms the core of the new framework developed by UN Women and our partner agencies.”

There has been some progress over the last few decades; today 125 countries have laws against sexual harassment and 119 against domestic violence, but only 52 countries on marital rape. Despite efforts, violence against women and girls continues in every country, with women being beaten in their homes, harassed on the streets and bullied on the Internet. Preventing and ending violence means tackling its root cause, gender inequality. In 2014, the WHO called it a ‘global epidemic’ and a public health crisis, given its impact on one in three women experiencing physical or sexual violence at some point in her life—mostly by an intimate partner, and sometimes rising to affect a staggering 70 per cent of women in certain countries. Among all women who were the victims of homicide in 2012, nearly half died at the hands of a partner or family member. An estimated 133 million girls and women have experienced some form of female genital mutilation/cutting. Adult women account for almost half of all human trafficking victims detected globally.

With the recent adoption by world leaders of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), a bold new global development agenda in September 2015, a critical juncture was reached in global recognition that violence against women and girls is a serious but preventable problem. The gender equality goal, Goal 5 of the SDGs, aims to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls. It recognizes violence against women as an obstacle to fully achieving the development agenda and will provide comprehensive indicators on what we should do to address that goal. It focuses also on the provision of services to address sexual and reproductive rights. At the historic Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment event on 27 September 2015, many of the  70 world leaders who took the stage named ending violence against women and girls as a priority for action, demonstrating not only the size and universality of the problem, but also the recognition of Heads of Government/State of this pandemic of violence being a major obstacle to fully achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Around the world

Globally, during the fortnight under the “Orange the world” call, over 450 events are planned in more than 70 countries throughout the 16 days. They include the lighting of major monuments, and numerous activities involving civil society such as dialogue sessions with faith-based leaders, film screenings, theatre and dance performances, rallies, marches, marathons and digital activism via social media platforms. Events will include the orange lighting of major landmarks including: the Niagara Falls (Canada/USA), the European Commission building (Belgium) and Council of Europe building (France), the Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen (Denmark), the archeological ruins at Petra (Jordan), and the Palais de Justice (Democratic Republic of the Congo).

In Africa, among a series of powerful initiatives, South Africa will light its Nelson Mandela Bridge, while youth rallies will take place across Mozambique. Among many events in Central and South America, a film festival, themed as “Step it Up to End Violence against Women and Girls” will be held in Trinidad and Tobago. Quito, Ecuador, is hosting an Orange marathon and in Guatemala there will be a kite-flying procession, with messages promoting freedom from violence for women and girls. In the Asia-Pacific region, a collaboration with Humans of Pakistan will launch “16 women, 16 Stories”, a powerful social media campaign using images and stories of local women. The UNiTE Festival, held in conjunction with the Lahore College Women University in Pakistan is expecting 10,000 girls from eight universities to attend. India will see the lighting of its India Gate as well as the display of ending violence against women messaging on panel boards in two high-traffic lines of the Delhi metro. Cambodia will host an 8.4-km orange marathon, while Timor-Leste is organizing an arts festival. In Europe, Albanian police officers will be patrolling the streets in orange and in the Arab States region, the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan will be the venue for a walking women’s marathon, among other activities.

Furthermore, as part of the mobilization by partners, influential media outlets and journalists have been urged to show personal commitment to the cause by symbolically using orange in their studios or in their attire, while urging their audiences to take action to end violence against women and girls.


The official commemoration of the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women will take place in New York City in the ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters, UN Headquarters on Wednesday 25 November from 10 a.m. – 12 noon, attended by ambassadors, senior UN officials, civil society activists and artistes. More information at:

Events on UN premises are open only to UN-accredited media. More information at:

Photos from the events will be available at:

Join the conversation on social media: Follow @SayNO_UNiTE and share your messages using the hashtags #orangetheworld and #16days (#16días in Spanish and #16jours in French). You can also upload your activities to this Facebook event page.

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What I Expect From the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris


By Ban Ki-moon

For the nearly nine years that I have been Secretary-General, I have travelled the world to the front-lines of climate change, and I have spoken repeatedly with world leaders, business people and citizens about the need for an urgent global response  


Why do I care so much about this issue?  


First, like any grandfather, I want my grandchildren to enjoy the beauty and bounty of a healthy planet.  And like any human being, it grieves me to see that floods, droughts and fires are getting worse, that island nations will disappear and uncounted species will become extinct. 


As His Holiness Pope Francis and other faith leaders have reminded us, we have a moral responsibility to act in solidarity with the poor and most vulnerable who have done least to cause climate change and will suffer first and worst from its effects.


Second, as the head of the United Nations, I have prioritized climate change because no country can meet this challenge alone.  Climate change carries no passport; emissions released anywhere contribute to the problem everywhere.  It is a threat to lives and livelihoods everywhere.  Economic stability and the security of nations are under threat.  Only through the United Nations can we respond collectively to this quintessentially global issue.   


The negotiation process has been slow and cumbersome. But we are seeing results.  In response to the UN’s call, more than 166 countries, which collectively account for more than 90 per cent of emissions, have now submitted national climate plans with targets.  If successfully implemented, these national plans bend the emissions curve down to a projected global temperature rise of approximately 3 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.


This is significant progress.  But it is still not enough. The challenge now is to move much further and faster to reduce global emissions so we can keep global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius.  At the same time, we must support countries to adapt to the inevitable consequences that are already upon us.


The sooner we act, the greater the benefits for all: increased stability and security; stronger, moresustainable economic growthenhanced resilience to shocks; cleaner air and water; improved health. 


We will not get there overnight.  The climate change conference in Paris is not the end point.  It must mark the floor, not the ceiling of our ambition.  It must be the turning point towards a low-emission, climate-resilient future.


Around the world, momentum is building.  Cities, businesses and investors, faith leaders and citizens are acting to reduce emissions and build resilience.  The responsibility now rests with Governments to conclude a meaningful, binding agreement in Paris that provides clear rules of the road for strengthening global ambition.  For this, negotiators need clear guidance from the top.


I believe this is forthcoming.  The leaders of the G20, who met earlier this month in Antalya, Turkey, showed strong commitment to climate action.  And more than 120 Heads of State and Government have confirmed their participation in Paris, despite heightened security concerns in the wake of the terrorist attacks.


I see four essential elements for Paris to be a success: durability, flexibility, solidarity and credibility. 


First, durability.  Paris must provide a long-term vision consistent with a below 2 degrees trajectory, and send a clear signal to markets that the low-carbon transformation of the global economy is inevitable, beneficial and already under way.  


Second, the agreement must provide flexibility so it does not need to be continually renegotiatedIt must be able to accommodate changes in the global economy and strike a balance between the leadership role of developed countries and the increasing responsibilities of developing countries.  


Third, the agreement must demonstrate solidarity, including through financing and technology transfer for developing countries.  Developed countries must keep their pledge to provide $100 billion a year by 2020 for adaptation and mitigation alike. 


Fourth, an agreement must demonstrate credibility in responding to rapidly escalating climate impacts.  It must include regular five year cycles for governments to assess and strengthen their national climate plans in line with what science demands.  Paris must also include transparent and robust mechanisms for measuring, monitoring and reporting progress.


The UN stands fully ready to support countries in implementing such an agreement. 


A meaningful climate agreement in Paris will build a better today – and tomorrow.  It will help us end poverty. Clean our air and protect our oceans. Improve public health.  Create new jobs and catalyze green innovations.  It will accelerate progress towards all of the Sustainable Development Goals. That is why I care so deeply about climate change.  


My message to world leaders is clear: success in Paris depends on you.  Now is the time for common sense, compromise and consensus.  It is time to look beyond national horizons and to put the common interest first.  The people of the world – and generations to come – count on you to have the vision and courage to seize this historic moment.



The writer is Secretary-General of the United Nations


